Saturday, 16 August 2008

More than Illustration...

presented a surprisingly original collection of works by emerging and well established local and international artists with a graphic edge:
Angela Gasseling, Max Hierro, Laura Murray, Zoe Mufham and
Eduardo Rubio.
A collection of works that hightlighted the artists' superb drawing skills and took them to a higher level by exploring with mixed media and colour.
The exhibition launched on 16th of August 2008 in Joseph Pearce's Bar.
Below, Globo ("Balloon") by Eduardo Rubio

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Summer 2008

Our Summer Exhibition 2008 launched on the 3rd of July 2008 with paintings by Edinburgh based artist Jill Ashforth; inspired by Skye, Orkney and Shetlands.
The collection really captured the special quality of the northern lights, and smelt of sea and summer...Scottish style.

Below, Rose Sunset, Skye, oil on canvas, 1m x 1m

Below, Sea Splatter in the Rain, oil on canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm